L's Lair

Monday, April 23, 2007


Is that a banana on your sidewalk or are you just happy to see me?!

(please excuse the sophomoric, Beavis and Butthead-esque caption for this picture. couldn't help myself. after all, this blog is simply here for MY amusement really.)

I took this picture of a banana on the sidewalk outside of my house this week. What you need to know is that it sat there for THREE SOLID days before I picked it up. I'll admit, I was a little puzzled when I first came out in the morning and saw it there. Kinda baffling.

I thought I should pick it up but then thought, "Hmmmm. What if terrorists have some new, sinister plot? What if they are randomly throwing arsenic-laced, seemingly harmless pieces of fruit in front of people's homes...just waiting for them to pick them up?!" (Um, yes. I do watch too much television. I admit.)

I walked past the banana several times over the course of three days. (Maybe I was waiting on the fruit fairy to pick it up???? I don't know.) Finally, I decided that the neighbors may start talkin' about the crazy lady up the street who allows food products to fade in the sun in her front yard. It's a historic neighborhood. Trust me. They have rules!

I finally chose to discard the banana--but of course I took a picture first.

Later that same day, David returned home from a three day business trip. He looked on the computer...

HIM: "Uhhhh. L? Why do you have a picture of my banana on the computer?"

ME: "What do you mean your banana?! That's been laying on the sidewalk."

HIM: "Yeah. Because I dropped it on my way outta town but didn't realize it until I got down the road."

*sigh* I guess there was no elaborate terrorist plot.

Life is never as exciting as it is on TV . . . . .


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