L's Lair

Saturday, August 19, 2006


Unlike some people, I don't think I'm really afraid to be alone with my thoughts. I actually enjoy a few periodic hours of solitude. I find that I have genuine "a-ha" moments when I'm alone, quiet and still...much more than when I'm flappin' my gums.

I experienced a simple "a-ha" moment recently while working out by myself.

The man who owns our gym is a Christian. He has a simple dry erase board stuck in the corner. It's not very flashy but it always has an encouraging scripture verse written on it. I'll admit, I often pass by the board without even acknowledging what he's taken the time to write. I'm usually more consumed with wiping the sweat from my brow than stopping for a moment to read the board. (Sad, but true.)

Last week, for some reason, the verse jumped out at me as if it had been written in neon ink. The passage came from Isaiah 58:11. It said:

"I will always show you where to go,
I'll give you a full life in the emptiest of places--
firm muscles, strong bones.
You'll be like a well-watered garden,
a gurgling spring that never runs dry."

At the same time that I read the verse, I was listening to one of my favorite songs by Evanescence called Bring Me To Life. It was amazing how a couple of sentences from God's word and a hard-driving rock song could fit so well together.

"Wake me up inside, wake me up inside
Call my name and save me from the dark"

I don't think there's a soul alive who hasn't had those periods when you feel like you're dead inside, merely existing. Your daily routine happens with or without you -- almost as if it's on auto-pilot. It can be a lonely and frustrating time. Things can even progress so far that you ultimately feel hopeless. You can sometimes resolve yourself to the fact that this must be your "new normal" -- you'll simply never feel alive again.

I'm grateful that I (as a "believer") can hang on to those words from Isaiah 58:11. What an unbelievable comfort to be able to rest on the fact that we will, in fact, come out on the other side of these dry spells like a well-watered garden. The drought won't last forever.

When that beautiful awakening finally does come, and we begin to feel like we're "back on track" we'll be stronger (and more grateful) than before.


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