L's Lair

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Many of you know that David and I are fanatical band parents. Ian, our oldest (16) has been in the band for 5+ years now. (Whew. Only 5? Seems longer.) We take great joy in watching the pride that being a part of something great brings to him.

When Ian was in the seventh grade, he jumped at the opportunity to (basically) be a place-filler in the high school band. He (get this) marched with a clarinet. Did he actually PLAY said clarinet? HECK NO! He literally lip synched. He held it up high with great pride though. Even though I knew that my son was basically the Milli Vanilli of the woodwinds circuit, I was still proud. I'm embarrassed to say that I actually cried the first time I saw him march. Remember ... he wasn't even playing!!! What a softie.

Well, several years have passed. Ian fills out his uniform much better than the awkward little middle school boy who first joined the marching band. He stands taller and prouder now -- he's heading into that all-important senior year of high school. He's developed into a fine musician. He takes his leadership role (as drumline captain) very seriously. I predict it'll be a great year for him.

Five years ago, he joined a band that was a group of Bad News Bears (at best). After much hard work and determination, they can now proudly declare that they are state champions. WHAT an accomplishment! (We won't even talk about how much I cried when THAT event actually happened!) They earned it.

Now, our youngest, Noah (12) has been asked to join the band. He knew this was an honor. He's only a seventh-grader but gets to roll with the big dogs. :-) (Oh, uh, and for the record, he actually gets to play his trumpet!!!)

Believe it or not, Ian's not the least bit embarrassed to have his kid brother around. He's actually thrilled. (Go figure!)

I admire their determination. Despite extremely humid days in the high 90s, they are in the midst of 9 am to 9 pm practices for two weeks straight. They don't care. They know that they are a part of something great. Who doesn't want that?!

IAN -- as a "big dog" -- with his fellow band friends
(he's in the Adidas shirt)

NOAH -- as a "newbie" -- playing his little heart out
in the noon day sun
(he's the one in the black shorts and grey shirt)

DAVID -- as the proud papa in the stands

. . . and MY job? Why to sit in the stands and try to look cute, of course!


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