L's Lair

Friday, December 19, 2008

Jumping back in the pool by takin' it easy

Haven't blogged in forEVer (thank you VERY much, Facebook and Twitter! You stole my soul!) so I thought this would be an easy way to put my foot back in the pool. A little Christmas "meme":

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?
LOVE the way cool wrapping paper with various danglys and doo-dads looks. Must admit though, I'm not above recycling a cute gift bag.
2. Real tree or Artificial?
Grew up with artificial trees (poor Dad had severe allergies) so having a live tree now seems SO exotic to me. I loooove the smell.
3. When do you put up the tree?
I grew up putting it up on the day after Thanksgiving. But ideally? I'm fine with putting it up when I get back from a relaxing December cruise. ;-)
4. When do you take the tree down?
David & I started the tradition of taking it down on New Year's Day. We do it slowly & methodically while watching football. This is accompanied by the smell of black eyed peas and cornbread cooking in the background.
5. Do you like eggnog?
In theory it sounds like a GREAT idea. But I never enjoy it when I take a sip. Guess I'd rather spend those calories on something else.
6. Favorite gift received as a child?
Hmmm. My sister and I got a GREAT kitchen set. It was metal (b/c it was the 70s & no one knew better). It had great food painted in the fridge and freezer. LOVED it!
8. Easiest person to buy for?
Definitely David! Actually have a hard time narrowing my choices down for him. Like it when I can get a surprise past him.
9. Do You have a nativity scene?
I have the hand me down nativity that my family used as I was growing up. Wonder if I could hire a museum curator to do some repairs. The wise men are in DESPERATE need of plastic surgery. David and I did buy a BEAUTIFUL folk art nativity by Jim Shore this year. Maybe I'll pass IT down someday.
10. Mail or email Christmas cards?
Um, gulp. Neither? I'm not very good at that. LOVE receiving them though. That's bad, huh?
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?
I received a Clemson purse once. Was a little odd, considering I've ALWAYS been a Gamecocks fan. :-(
12. Favorite Christmas Movie?
This is NOOOOO contest...CHRISTMAS VACATION is the greatest Christmas movie ever made. It's not truuuuly the holiday season until I see it. Even had a cocker spaniel that I named Griswold.
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas?
Have made it a tradition to foolishly jump into the Black Friday fray. I know, I know. Crazy. Gets my adrenaline going though.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?
Are you kidding me?! Who hasn't! Have probably been some of my best gifts!
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?
My Grandmother Elliott's Cheese Straws. I make them by the boat loads. The smell & texture will forever remind me of my Christmases growing up.
16. Lights on the tree?
I, personally, LOVE the clean look of white lights. Something about it is very European. However, we've started using colored lights for our youngest son. They're his favorite.
17. Favorite Christmas song?
White Christmas makes me happy, cozy & mushy.
18. Travel for Christmas or stay home?
I'd LOVE to stay home for Christmas. Unfortunately, this has NEVER been my reality...both as a child AND adult. :-(
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?
Probably if you held a gun to my head. SURELY I've watched Rudolph enough times to fake it.
20. Angel on the tree top or a star?
Grew up with a star on the tree. Until this year, we've had a beautiful, porcelain, redheaded angel on our tree. This year we bought a gorgeous new star.
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning?
My family always opened ONE present on Christmas Eve (probably just to shut us up!) and then Santa came on Christmas morning. Santa NEVER wrapped his gifts.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year?
Traffic. Traffic. Traffic.
23. Favorite ornament theme or color?
LOVE any ornament that Christopher Radko creates. Guess I like the Old World feel.
24. Favorite Christmas dinner?
I like the traditional turkey and dressing, etc.
25. What do you want for Christmas this year?
A nap. A veeeeeery good nap.

p.s. -- you may notice that #7 is missing. I have no good explanation for this. It was missing when it came to me! I understand why hotels leave off the 13th floor. Don't know why it would be necessary to leave #7 off a Christmas Meme though. ;-)

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Would love to know the story behind it!

Saw a guy wearing this shirt in the grocery story today. It made me smile.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Thank goodness this is only every four years!

Help! I need rest...NOW! :-(

The Olympics have single-handedly destroyed my sleep patterns.

My passion for the summer games started back in 1984. That was the magical year of the gold medal winning men's gymnastics team. I was still a teenager who had pictures from Teen Bop and Tiger Beat on my walls, so it stands to reason that I would be smitten with the handsome fellas from that particular team.

Mitch Gaylord was BY FAR my fav (don't judge me!) -- so much so that I actually took pictures of him on the television screen! For real! I still have them in my scrapbook.

My sister and I stayed up faithfully each night during the '84 Olympics because we didn't want to miss a single flip, jump, vault or Iron Cross. Good times.

I got to spend some time with my sister last week. One of my favorite parts of the week was settling in each evening to view the Olympics.

The main difference? It was Michael Phelps instead of Mitch Gaylord this time. I didn't take a single photo of the tv screen. Guess I've grown up...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

To infinity and beyoooooond!!!

I love my home. It's my haven. It's where I feel safe, comfortable and accepted. However, like most people, I'm not allowed to just "hang out" indefinitely. I can't hide out here forever.

The majority of my waking hours are spent at work and church. These both play very important roles in my life. You might even say they define me. It's not unusual for someone to ask, "So...where do YOU work?" or..."And where do YOU go to church?" They're both SUCH a big part of who I am and are what get me out of the bed in the mornings. They're what FORCE me to leave this haven each day. ;-]

Ironically, I'm feeling a bit of a shake up in BOTH of those vital areas of my life. I find it interesting that both "change-ups" are occurring simultaneously. You know what I think? It's absolutely nooooo mistake -- THAT'S what I think! It's forcing me to dig deep. It gives me that sensation that you get juuuuuuuust as a roller coaster is pulling away from the gate and slowly gaining speed. You realize that you're commited and there's no turning back now.

I want to be a part of something HUGE. I want to be a part of something that folks are talkin' about. I want to be a part of something bigger than myself and something that will last LONG after I'm gone.

Right now, I'm drawn to these particular verses in the Bible
(II Corinthians 4:16-18 - The Message) :
"So we're not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace. These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us. There's far more here than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can't see now will last forever."

I want to be a part of the things I CAN'T SEE. The prayer that I seem to be looping constantly in my head lately is, "Lord, help me see the big picture."

Saturday, June 28, 2008

I'd imagine you can file this under FRIVOLOUS

I've spoken before about my loveslashhate relationship with Rachael Ray. I watch her show daily BUT complain about her voice the ENTIRE time I'm watching! She cooks some great meals. Always has a wide variety of guests. Does some fashion-y stuff (which you KNOW I lurve!) and, best of all, Colby from Survivor is a regular correspondent/contributor to the show. (I'm a total sucker for Colby!)

Anyway, if you've ever watched her show you're familiar with the infamous garbage bowl that she keeps on her counter at all times. She doesn't believe in making multiple trips to the trash can during food prep.

Being the marketing genius that she OBVIOUSLY is, you can purchase a replica of her garbage bowl. I know, right?! What FOOL would purchase such a thing.

Um...guilty. (*insert sheepish grin*)

In my defense, it was on sale yesterday! How could I resist!!?

Sure, I COULDA just continued to keep a grocery store bag nearby to hold my vegetable peelings. But it wouldn't be NEARLY as cute and sassy...

Friday, June 27, 2008

You can PRETTY MUCH set your watch by it

I'm lucky enough to have a job that uses flexible hours during the summer months. It is possible to get all of your hours in during four days and THEN have Friday off. Isn't that GREAT?! (I think more businesses should do this. Except, of course, the places where I SHOP on my Fridays off. I very much want THEM to stay open!)

I have a schedule on these days of leisure. I rarely veer from it. It goes something like this:

* Wake up early...because I'm excited that I have the day off and I can't sleep in.

* Hit the gym...because it eases a little guilt from the days that I DIDN'T hit the gym prior to that.

* Go to Target...and praaaaay that I don't run into anyone I know who will have to see me sweaty and with no make-up. It's a chance I'm willing to take.

* Go to Library...because, duuuuhhhh, that's where they keep the BOOKS! I usually check out waaaay too many 14-day books and get a condescending look from the librarian that says, "I'm sooooo sure that you're going to read alllllll of these in two weeks."

* Eat a grilled chicken salad...Zaxby's is my fav!

* Wash down grilled chicken salad with cookies...to get taste of grilled chicken salad out of my mouth.

* Take a brief nap...because, have you NOT been paying attention? I just had an exasperating morning!!!!

* Fold a load of clothes...to make myself feel (if only for a brief fleeting moment) like I'm very domestic.

* Get myself presentable for a fun Friday night...I love having a date with my hubby!

That's about it. Pretty relaxing, huh? Sometimes I get WILD and throw in a bubble bath or hair appointment. :-]

Regardless, it's my mini-vacation each week and I sooooo look forward to it! I realize that I'm VERY lucky to have this day of me time.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

These Are a Few of My Fav-Oh-Rit Thiiiiiiiiings...

As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't get any better than THIS! A perfect marriage of TWO of my favorite things.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Dancing With Cinderella

I can't seem to get the Chapman family out of my thoughts this morning.

My stomach hurts and heart breaks...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

In Which I Flat Out Break One of The Ten Commandments

I know I shouldn't...but I'm lusting after these shoes. They're to DIE for! They're Christian Louboutins and cost, like, seven hundred bucks!!!

You better bet that if I ever luck up and come across them in the clearance section at Target I'm BUYIN' 'em!

You best believe it.

Friday, May 02, 2008

I realize that this blog is usually full of silly, mindless ramblings. However, I've had this issue on my mind SO strongly all week -- just had to share. Take a second to check it out if you'd like. "Bite Back" is a GREAT campaign by Compassion International.

Ten bucks, folks. That's all it takes to save a life. Sobering.


Monday, March 31, 2008

I Suppose I Would Have Prefeeeerrrrrred Matt Lauer

As I plopped into my seat at my gate at the Atlanta airport yesterday morning (on my way to Providence, RI) I was relieved to not have to schlep my briefcase anymore. Then, I looked in the seat beside me and had that "Hmmmm. Don't I know you?" feeling toward the distinguished man sitting to my left.

Then. It hit me! HEY! That's Harry Smith from CBS! Cool! I was on the phone with David and he said, "Introduce yourself."

No way. I'm waaaaay too cool for THAT! ;-] I continued to remain calm.

He was actually MUCH more handsome and distinguished than he appears on the CBS Early Show. Luckily, he spent most of his time on his Blackberry, so I had plenty of time to stare and confirm that he WAS Harry Smith. He even went all old school and broke out a tiny, yellow legal pad and wrote down notes. I was very tempted to sneak a peek.

He got up and walked to get something to eat and asked us all if we would watch his briefcase and backpack. (I guess we all looked honest and trustworthy???)

He made very pleasant small talk with all of us. "Is it ALWAYS this cold in Atlanta? This is CRAZY!"

THEN. The announcement was made that his flight to Meridian, MS had been cancelled. He handled it in stride but had to stop eating his lunch. He said, "Ah man. You've GOT to be kidding me! This messes me up. BIG time. How close is Jackson to Meridian?" We all told him that it would be about an hour away.

I couldn't, for the life of me, figure out why a national news anchor would be heading to charming little Meridian.

I made SURE to watch The Early Show this morning (even though I'm more of a Today Show kinda gal) and THERE he was...calmly strolling and chatting with John McCain. Wow. He didn't looked frazzled at all.

He's able to unceremoniously eat a stale, airport kiosk, ham and cheese sandwich AND re-book his own flight...oh, aaaaaaand casually interview a presidential candidate.

I guess that's why they pay him the big bucks.

I Could Eat Her With a Spoon!!!

To make you smile on a Monday morning...

Friday, March 07, 2008

I'd Be Happy to Babysit for The King's Grandkids Though

When I'm in the checkout line at the grocery store and the cashier says, "HEY! You know who you look like?!" I can usually predict a list of about five people that it will be.

One of them is Lisa Marie Presley. (Sometimes, it's Priscilla Presley but I PRAY they mean before her overly ambitious plastic surgeries. Know WHEN to say WHEN, baby!)

Anyway. Lisa Marie Presley and I are almost the EXACT same age. Her birthday is the first day of February and mine is the last day of February. Therefore, we both just turned 40.

It was announced today that she's having a baby!

For the record, I am NOT having a baby for my 40th birthday.

Just in case any of you were wondering. ;-]

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

How Does ONE Building Hold THAT Much Sugar?!

If you ever find yourself in Sacramento, CA (and face it, who won't?!) RUUUUUN (don't walk) to Rick's Dessert Diner.

You WON'T regret it!

It's a great, hole-in-the-wall, old style 50s dinner that literally ONLY serves desserts. They have been open since 1986 and seem to do QUITE a business.

I don't think it would be totally fair to just call it a bakery. It seems to be so much MORE than that.

David and I went last Friday night after hitting a movie. As we stood in a long line, it was overwhelming to realize that we'd eventually have to narrow down our choices. There was plenty of time to drool over the myriad of sweetness in the glass cases.

David chose a piece of chocolate peanut butter cake that was bigger than his head! (*Ahem* I love my husband dearly but we ALL know that THAT'S sayin' a lot!) I settled on a piece of apple streusel pie.

A la mode, of course!

Friday, February 29, 2008

The New Mid-life

Today was one of those milestone birthdays for me. I suppose I should have approached it with fear and dread...but I didn't. I've actually really looked forward to it for some time.

Ironically, as I got dressed to hit the town and celebrate tonight, Oprah was on the TV in the background. The timing of her topic was impeccable. The show was "The Age of Miracles: The New Mid-life" and featured several different women who have embraced this era of their life.

The term "mid-life" used to sound daunting to me. It sounded, well, old!

Now...not so much.

As I crossed this threshold today, I realize how far I've come in the past decade. I have a few fine lines on my face that probably weren't there just 10 years ago. However, I also have knowledge and experience that I KNOW I didn't have at 30. In my book, that's worth some fine lines.

I'm looking forward to my 40s. I honestly am. I'm more comfortable in my skin than I've ever been and I don't feel the need to apologize for being me.