L's Lair

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Most of you know that I make my living as an editor. I love it! However, if I'm in a real hurry, I don't really sweat proofreading average things in everyday life. I can turn "that" gene on and off.

When David's traveling, we tend to text rather than call. It's convenient and also allows us to send pictures and video as well. However, the "intuitive" texting feature of a cell phone isn't always so intuitive. I honestly feel like it should KNOW what I'm tryin' to say. David gets a kick out of the crazy messages he receives from me (I never proof before I hit "send").

I have the fastest thumbs in the southeast!

Tonight, he sent me a beautiful camera phone picture of the St. Louis arch as he drove past. Having recalled something I heard on the news just this week, I quickly replied.

Below is the exchange that followed (complete with translations).

DAVID: *sends pretty pic of arch*

ME: Cool! Some people got stuck go it this week.
(translation: Some people got stuck in it this week.)

DAVID: What do you mean? Did I miss something? Got stuck? Got what?

ME: Go the elevator up giggin the arch. Can you imagine?!
(translation: In the elevator high in the arch. Can you imagine?!)

What?!!!!! Half the time I can't get it to recognize "normal" words yet it can come up with GIGGIN on its own?



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