L's Lair

Monday, December 18, 2006


Okay, I'm asking for the "cone of safety" to descend (in other words, try not to judge me) . . .

For whatever reason, I keep a tub of Play-Doh at my desk. Yep. You read that right. Now mind you, I don't keep it sitting front and center beside the stapler, business cards and stack of invoices. It doesn't garner an actual place of honor on my desk. However, it's tucked safely away, just out of sight, and it's there for one reason only--stress relief.

It's a mental thing. The smell of Play-Doh takes me back to a simpler time and place. That unique and pungent aroma reminds me of bein' a child . . . ya know, when all I had to worry about was making sure that my roller skates were tied tight enough.

I don't break it out often. When I do, it's only long enough to take the cap off and catch a whiff. (Don't worry. I'm a long way from having to attend regular "Huffers Anonymous" meetings or anything!)

I've had the same can of Play-Doh at my desk for years and years. It's a neon shade of hot pink and is unmarred by human hands. That's right. No rolling, playing, molding and shaping for me. Just interested in sniffing it periodically.

[Remember. Cone of safety, okay? Stop looking at me that way.]

This afternoon, I took the cap off the can for the first time in months and months. This is what I saw.

GROSS!!!! Who knew that Play-Doh could develop such cotton-candy-like mold?!

In case you're wondering . . . no, I didn't sniff it. :-(


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