L's Lair

Monday, September 04, 2006


"When people wear shoes that don't fit them, it says something about their soul. Generally, I think it means they are good people."
--Billy Bob Thornton

I realize that the primary purpose of shoes is to protect your feet. However, like many, many women, my shoes are more than functional--they say a lot about me. It's no secret that I adore high heels. I'm drawn to them like a moth to a flame! I'm sure part of the attraction stems from the fact that I'm so short. But face it, they're also girlie and I'm nothing if not girlie!

I had a woman admit to me that she sits up front at our church whenever she can. She wants to have a "clear shot" of the stage. She told her husband, "I have to sit down front. I want to see what shoes Lori will have on today." (Glad to know I'm making a serious difference in people's lives!)

Although I own several pairs of shoes, I take great pride and joy in spending a minimal amount of my hard-earned funds on them. My philosophy? The less I pay for shoes, the more I can buy!!!! (Am I right, ladies?)

I'll admit, I'm not always practical when it comes to my choice of zapatos. Sadly, I think my feet are beginning to pay the price. They ache. They ache often. My first few steps in the morning aren't exactly full of vim and vigor...it's more like a tentative hobble. :-(

David returned home from one of his trips last weekend. He had a gift in hand (as he often does). Rather than some feminine perfume or piece of jewelry, he produced a pair of CROCS. Not normally considered a romantic gift, I'll admit.
Let me just say...I'm in love. There's no turning back, I fear. I had no idea that such an ugly shoe could produce such joy!!!!! I tried them on immediately and haven't taken them off very often this week.

CROCS are a huge phenomenon right now. However, as much as I enjoy a good trend, I SWORE I wouldn't give in to this particular trend. Have you SEEN them? They're horribly unattractive. In my opinion, they actually succeed in making Birkenstocks look sexy...no easy feat! ;-)

David did show enough forethought to at least purchase a pair of sassy gold CROCS. At least I can feel somewhat fashionable while trying to avoid a trip to the podiatrist.

Before anyone panics and assumes that I've gone soft and practical, let me make something VERY clear. I shan't be wearing these CROCS out-and-about. You won't see me in them at work. I won't sport them at church. I suppose it's possible that I'll wear them in a dark movie theater. Maybe no one will see.

Is is possibly that this is a sign of growth? Could I be *gulp* growing up??!!


  • Your diva status must be revoked, I am sorry to say. ;-] I'll "talk" to you when I get back from Russia and Romania. Great site!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 2:50 PM  

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