L's Lair

Monday, February 04, 2008

Pile O' Goodness

Although we live in a charming bungalow from the 1920's, my biggest regret is that it did not come complete with built-in bookshelves. Somehow, to me, that's the true sign of a house with character. (Well, THAT, and my plaster walls. Their cracks don't bother me at all. I choose to think of it as a Tuscany look that some designers would spend hours to re-create.)

My sad, rickety little bookshelf is overflowing. I pray each day that the thin glass shelves can make it through another day and hold up under the pressure of the weight. To be honest, I don't even think it was MEANT to hold books. I think it was probably designed to hold some sweet little old lady's collection of salt and pepper shakers. Not sure.

Right now, there is a pile of books overflowing on to the floor beside the shelf. My husband curses it EVERY time he stubs his toe on it. It is the bane of his existence! He sees it as clutter. TOOOOOTAL clutter.

Does it bother me?!! Heck no! I look at that "mess" and see a beautiful pile of knowledge and adventures. Some of the books I've already read...while others are just WAITING to be cracked open! Either way, they're a thing of beauty in MY eyes!

Hmmmmmm. I have a birthday comin' up. A sturdy bookshelf would be the PERFECT nerdly gift! *hint hint* (Just seein' if my husband reads my blog.) ;-]

[Sidenote: I'm actually quite grateful that my camera phone takes HORRIBLY blurry pictures. Thiiiiiiis way, you can't "judge me" by my selection of books.]


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